What is the ECO4 Flex scheme?
ECO4 Flex is a local authority programme whereby eligible residents can receive energy efficient home upgrades for free. It runs alongside ECO4, which caters to people in receipt of benefits. Flex is instead based on income and personal circumstance. Improveasy is the only installer of ECO Flex in the areas of Manchester City Council, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, and Trafford Borough Council. We can also install for Cheshire East Council along with several other installers.
It is our job to help residents access this funding. We can check you qualify, assess the property, and install your home improvements. You could be entitled to solar panels, air source heat pumps, insulation, boilers, and more, for free!
ECO Flex has been running since April 2023.
Watch our explainer video below to learn more:
ECO4 Flex Eligibility
The qualifying criteria for ECO Flex is a bit complicated. There are several routes to qualification. To understand whether you qualify it is helpful to understand EPC ratings. You may have seen these when renting or buying a home. EPCs range from A-G, with A being the highest and most energy efficient. If your property is not currently on the EPC register, that is fine as we can assess your rating! If your EPC looks out of date, be sure to let us know of any home upgrades you may have gotten which improve the energy efficiency of the property. (You can read more about EPC ratings on our blog post here.)
How to qualify for ECO4 Flex
Route 1
– Your home’s EPC rating must be at an D, E, F, or G (private tenancies rated D excluded)
– You must also have a combined household income of £31,000 or less
Route 2
– Your EPC must be at an E, F, or G and you must have two of the following:
1. Your home is within a specific postcode identified by your local council – we can let you know which postcodes fit (this can’t be used with option 3 in this list)
2. You receive a council tax rebate (single person occupancy excluded)
3. Someone in the home is pregnant, disabled, over 65 you have children under 5, or someone in the home has a medical condition
4. Your child receives free school meals
5. Your home is identified as in debt to your energy provider
Route 3
– Your EPC must be at a D, E, F, or G (private tenancies rated D excluded)
– Identified by your GP as vulnerable to the cold due to having: a cardiovascular condition, a respiratory disease, limited mobility, or immunosuppression
What can you receive with ECO4 Flex?
For a more in depth description of every energy efficient home upgrade, please read our post on GMCA’s blog! With ECO Flex, you can receive:
First time central heating
External wall insulation
Cavity wall insulation
Loft insulation/ room in roof insulation
Internal wall insulation
Underfloor insulation
Electric storage heater upgrades
Solar panelsEach of these installs will be free, save you money, and reduce your carbon footprint!
You can read more about ECO Flex on GMCA’s website here.
Please call us on 0800 024 8505 Option 1 today to find out if you qualify, or fill in the form below and we will be in touch!